Financial Statements

We are first and foremost accountable to those security personnel who have placed their trust in us. The Pension Funds Acts requires all the registered Funds with the FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) to conduct on an annual basis the Financial audit of the Funds assets and depose the same with the Authorities for approval or rejection in protecting the member,s assets. Our Annual Financial Statements gives our shareholders a peace of mind and security, hence the inclusion over the three years. The AFS gives comfort to the members and the stakeholders that all the assets of the Fund have been checked, audited in line with the Regulatory requirements and that all the financial matters of the Fund are accounted for.

PSSPF prides itself with the fact that it has complied with the regulations and we have deposed in our web page the AFS for the past three years with a qualified opinions, meaning that the Fund has been audited according to the recognised standards of auditing standard and nothing untowards has been found. We are proud to present the AFS for 2020, 2021 and 2022 year end with a clean audit. Any AFS prior to 2020 are available on request.